Would Insurance Cover Car Damage From a Superhero Battle"

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Picture this: after waking up one morning, getting ready for work, and eating a good breakfast, you walk out to your car and see that it?s a crumpled pile of metal. The culprit" A being with superpowers who used your car to defeat their greatest foe.
While it?s good to know the universe is safe once again, you probably want to know how you?re going to fix your car situation. With the right types of coverage, help could come from your auto insurance company.
This article will guide you on which car insurance policies would protect your vehicle when the forces of good and evil collide. Automoblog spoke with Nick Vitali, vice president of North Carolina agency All About Insurance, for his advice on how to ensure your car is covered for some of the most common superhero-related damages.
The graphics in the article were created for Automoblog by Richard Case, who has contributed his artistic vision to both the Marvel and DC universes. He is perhaps best known for his seminal work with Grant Morrison on the esteemed Doom Patrol series. To learn more about Richard Case, you can check out more of his work here.
A Superhero Uses Your Car as a Weapon, Destroying It
Illustration by Richard Case
With more than 2,000 pounds of metal and other components, a car makes an effective and convenient projectile for someone with super strength. However, your vehic...
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