Will Self-Driving Cars Eliminate Auto Insurance"

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Recently, Tesla?s Elon Musk suggested that driving your car could someday become illegal. Don?t start shredding your driver?s license just yet, but he?s right ? and that day could be here sooner than you think.
According to Business Insider, fully autonomous vehicles – those that can drive from point A to point B without driver interaction – will debut as soon as 2019. And these autos will be only a fraction of the 10 million self-driving cars Business Insider estimates will hit the road by 2020.
Self-Driving Safety
According to Musk, in the distant future, people driven cars might be outlawed because it?s too dangerous. This might sound outlandish, but it does line up with car safety statistics, with an overwhelming majority of accidents caused by driver error. “There is every reason to believe that self-driving cars will reduce frequency and severity of accidents,” says Professor Robert W. Peterson of Santa Clara University?s Center for Insurance Law and Regulation.
Though there?s still a lot left to be determined. For example, recent problems with Tesla?s autopilot suggests we still have some progress to make. If AI-powered, self-driving cars surpass our ability to drive safely, it makes sense that laws would be put in place to avoid obstacles and accidents. But if driver error is removed from the equation, will there be any need for insurance"
The End of Auto Insurance"
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