Tyre dynamics

Now we understand how tyre grip is generated, the next question is how does this affect tyre dynamics"
Diagram illustrating slip angle. Balkwill, J. (2017) Performance Vehicle Dynamics
Slip angle
To fully understand tyre dynamics, the first thing you need to get your head round is slip angle. This is defined as the angle (degrees) formed between the actual direction of travel of the wheel and the ?pointing? direction of the wheel (perpendicular to the axis of rotation). There is always an angle between the two when a lateral acceleration is experienced by a racecar.
The diagram above shows how the elements within the contact patch have been displaced in alignment with the direction of travel. These elements then return to the neutral condition towards the rear of the contact patch as the reaction force reduces. Oversteer is when the slip angle of the rear tyres is greater than that of the front tyres during a corner. CREDIT: XPB
Typical trend in slip angle vs lateral force – a clear peak in lateral force can be seen at around six degrees of slip angle. Balkwill, J. (2017) Performance Vehicle Dynamics
Whenever slip angle is introduced, the contact patch deforms as lateral forces act on the tyre. This deformation generates strain (elongation) within the molecular structure of the tyre rubber. Furthermore, the elasticity of the tyre compound resists this strain which generates a force normal to t...
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