Toyota Announces New Partnership To Advance Automated Driving

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The Toyota Research Institute (TRI) has signed an agreement with GoMentum Station for the further development of autonomous vehicle technology. The testing will take place on the 5,000 acre autonomous vehicle proving grounds managed by the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) in Concord, California. The CCTA facilitates and encourages what they call “collaborative partnerships” between automobile and OEM manufacturers, Tier 1 suppliers, technology companies, researchers, and public agencies, among others.
Working Together
This partnership announcement from TRI and CCTA is remarkably similar to a story we reported on last week in our home state of Michigan. Our recent experience in Brussels, Belgium at AutoSens further drove home the need for collaboration in the fields of vehicle perception technology and automated driving. While these two partnerships are relatively new, it’s encouraging to see entities in the automotive arena working together, particularity when it comes to something that will change society’s entire landscape. Driverless car advocates point to a massive drop in – and possibly the elimination of – traffic accidents and fatalities. TRI’s automated programs, Guardian and Chauffeur, are designed and engineered accordingly. “The benefits of driverless technology are many, but the most important one is increased safety,” said Randy Iwasaki, ...
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