Top 5 Best Truck Batteries (2021 Buyer’s Guide)

Affiliate Disclosure: Automoblog may receive a commission when you purchase one of the batteries below from Advance Auto Parts. And as an Amazon Associate, Automoblog earns from qualifying purchases, including the batteries featured here. These commissions come to us at no additional cost to you.
With the colder weather approaching, we have rounded up the five best truck batteries. We also listed what you need to know about the many types of batteries and the factors to consider when buying one for your truck. It’s also worth noting the batteries on this list are suitable for SUVs as well. Let’s get cranking (no pun intended).
Design & Performance
Like batteries for cars, truck batteries belong in one of two general classifications: Flooded wet cell and Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) batteries. The former utilizes lead plates and a liquid or gel-type electrolyte solution to produce an electrical charge. Meanwhile, VRLA batteries are sealed, low-maintenance units that typically use an absorbent glass mat (AGM) design, offering better performance than a typical wet cell battery.
When it comes to trucks and SUVs, we usually recommend an AGM battery. AGM batteries have fiberglass separators or glass mats that “absorb” the electrolyte solution inside the battery. On average, AGM batteries can charge five times faster, last two to three times longer, and cycle down to 80 percent of their DoD or Depth of Discharge (a percentage...
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