Escort MAX 360 MKII Review: Cool Blue Radar Detector Offers Red Hot Performance

Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, Automoblog earns from qualifying purchases. The Escort MAX 360 MKII here was supplied by Cedar Electronics, an affiliate partner. Commissions from Amazon and other affiliate partners come to us at no additional cost to you. Automoblog is a member of the Radar Detector and Countermeasures Forum to ensure truth and accountability when covering radar detectors.
Escort MAX 360 MKII Crash Course
The MAX 360 MKII is the successor to the original MAX 360 radar detector.
New dual-antenna platform provides increased range detection.
Upgraded Digital Signal Processing technology minimizes false alerts.
Compatible with Escort?s radar-mounted dash cameras and laser shifters.
Escort MAX 360 MKII ProsRange Detection False Alert Filtering Digital Signal Processing ConsPrice Learning Curve for First-Time Users92Get Best PriceOn Escort's WebsiteVia Amazon{"@context": "",
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