Check These 6 Things On Your Vehicle Before Winter Gets Here

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Winter Maintenance Checklist Summary
Depending on your level of mechanical proficiency, you might be able to do everything on this list at home. If not, that’s okay. Read on anyway, take a few mental notes, and then talk to a trusted mechanic or service advisor later.
Although the six items below are good to consider year-round for your vehicle, winter differs from other seasons because of the risks associated with driving. Snow and ice accumulation will make even the most familiar roads hazardous, so having a good set of tires is paramount (more on that below).
Likewise, the sun sets earlier, meaning light is at a premium when we leave work after a long day. Visibility during the evening, especially with flurries, can be limited at best, which is why we recommend a good pair of wipers near the end.
#1: Change Your Oil
Best Full Synthetic Motor Oils
That age-old advice to change your oil is still the best! We recommend one of these synthetic motor oils. Each is available through Amazon, of which Automoblog is an associate and may earn a commission.
Pennzoil Platinum
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