Back to the Future: Cars & Our World: What Did They Get Right"

The Back to the Future series is just as enjoyable today as it was 30 years go.We examine some of the technology in the film to see if any of it came true.While the DeLorean was a real car, what about drones and hoverboards"In some areas, it’s almost as if the filmmakers predicted the future. Back to the Future was the single highest-grossing film of 1985. It was followed by two other installments in 1989 and 1990.
Back to the Future Part II is Robert Zemeckis’ follow-up to his 1985 classic about love, time travel, small town bullies based on the current president, and DeLoreans. Released in 1989, it was set in the far off future world of 2015, a time replete with totally cool tech like drones, flying cars, and hoverboards.
Now in 2020, five years beyond when Back to the Future Part II is set, and over 30 years since the film came out, how much did they get right concerning the technology in the film, versus what we have today" Turns out, the filmmakers were not that far off on a few things after all.
What About Drones"Â
Even in ’89, you could see this was going to be “a thing.” The drones in Back to the Future Part II are easy in terms of giving an A grade to Zemeckis and producers Bob Gale and Neil Canton for their tech prediction. Furthermore, figuring out which year this predicted tech would have come true is also pretty easy, since various aerospace companies, Boeing for one, were already flying dro...
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